I have a Clippykit bag. It is a thing of beauty. Or it will be once I manage to translate the vision of how gorgeous it’s going to look into reality. The problem is in the execution. My fingers are not as nimble as my ideas.
If you haven’t come across this wonderful product yet, here’s the lowdown:
It’s a clear plastic bag with pockets (see picture above). Mine’s a small one, so it has six each side. Put like that, it doesn't sound very exciting, but the idea is to personalise it by putting pictures and objects in the pockets and to basically make it look as funky and cute as you like.

Actually, I need some advice. I had intended to use cover flats (flattened out book jackets) in the pockets, but I’m not sure it has the desired effect, so I tried printing out a small, whole book cover and I think that looks better. What’s the verdict? Partial cover (bottom right pocket) or whole cover (top left pocket)?
Told you it was becoming a new obsession…
Anyway, my plan is to have the bag finished by the time I go to the RWA conference in Washington DC. I’m sure it will be an eye-catching bit of promo and will help start a few conversations. I will post pictures when I have finished filling the pockets and getting it just so.
Husband totally does not get this. He looked at the bag, just stared at it, when I pulled it out of the box, ooh-ing and ahh-ing. ‘You hate it,’ I said. He just shrugged. ‘It’s another bag’, he said. What does he know? I think you have to be a girl to get it, really I do.
Oh I like the mini whole covers but the whole bag looks terrific - I'm sure you are right about the RWA conf - great promo.
What fun!
I'm not going to be much help because I love both partial and hard covers...it's a toughie.
Love the idea for promo - great for conferences and I'd even take it grocery shopping. I can see the checkout staff being very interested, and as you say it's a great talking point!
Great advertising for M&B too - win win all round.
My hubby sounds like yours - I don't think they'll ever get it!
Love the bag (and I especially like that heart).
Enjoy the RWA :o)
Fiona, think I prefer the bottom right to the top left. But them I am design challenged so my opinion doesn't count for much.
So jealous of you going to Washington DC. Shall be there in spirit, so have a drink on me!!
I'm see you at AMBA hopefully and you can tell me all about it.
Oh grrr! Went to the site. Have to admit with the exchange, the 24-pound price tag made me frown. And shipping would be astronomical.
Brill idea though. I shall have to have a gander in DC!
I had one of these a couple of years ago! I like them both,but as a scrapbooker I'd have say use both and the top left would like great as decoupage.
I had one of these a couple of years ago! I like them both,but as a scrapbooker I'd have say use both and the top left would like great as decoupage.
You have been so restrained, Fi. I have two bags. A big one to fill with luscious goodies at the supermarket and get conversation going over the checkout. And a book bag, ditto, library and everywhere else. The dh is totally captivated by the idea and can't wait to get started. There is just the small matter of a book to be written...
And I think the whole cover looks best.
I think I'm just going to have to play with all the bits and pieces I've assembled and see how it all looks together...
Thanks for the input, Ladies!
CarolC said...
I was going to say why not do one of each as I think they both look great. Good luck with getting it right, it's exciting to have a new hobby. I'm most interested in growing fruit trees at the moment which is very unlike me.
Have a great time in Washington D.C.!
Sounds to me like these clippy bags would be great to hang in the office as reusuable collages. Just fill the pockets with pics that inspire the WIP and put notes/ ms drafts/ secret treats or whatever in the bag.
Reckon I'm going to have to work out how to get one in Oz.
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