Saturday, 4 December 2010

Now there's something you don't see every day...

There are some days I'm pleased I took the bus rather than the tube, and today is one of those.

Never mind the temperature is only just above freezing in London today, as I was sitting on the top deck of a no.38 this morning, I saw this:

Yes, that's right. A whole herd of semi-naked men jogging along New Oxford Street, wearing only trainers, swimming trunks and hats (and smiles!). Sorry about the blurry picture, but I took it on my phone and I was laughing like a drain at the time - as were the rest of my fellow passengers. It caused quite a to-do!

Anyway, when I got home I did a little research on who these brave British lads might have been. (Never thought I'd have cause to type the words "swimming trunks fun run london" into a search engine in my life, but life often surprises you, doesn't it?)

It turns out this was the annual Smugglers' Run - link to a news article about it here. These brave/eccentric/barking mad (delete as appropriate) souls are raising money for male charities at the same time as raising female temperatures across the captial. Good on yer, lads.


Viv said...

Would you have preferred they'd been starkers?

Fiona Harper said...

I think they went far enough!

Jan Jones said...

Crikey, that's a sight you don't see in Newmarket.

Blackeros said...

And this is precisely why I need to move to England.

Beth Elliott said...

Their bravery warms the heart if not the outer parts of the body. Bravo to them for cheering up a winter morning.

Fiona Harper said...

Well, they certainly cheered up the top deck of the no. 38 bus! I've never heard so many elderly ladies chuckle in unison.