Thursday 9 August 2012

RWA 2012 - part 3: Fan-girl moments and crazy dancing...

Michael Hauge
By Friday things had shifted into high gear at the RWA conference.  I spent Friday in two double-length workshops given my screen writing guru Michael Hauge. If you frequent this blog, you’ll know how I rave about his approach to storytelling. I’d heard his workshop about internal conflict and romantic comedies before, but I always get something new out of it. And in the afternoon I listened to him give a breakdown of Pretty Woman, showing how it applied to his ideas – something he’s never done before, so it was really worth attending.

At the end of the second session, I decided to buy Michael’s book, Writing Screenplays That Sell, as I don’t have a copy yet, and I asked him to sign it for me before I left. When I told him my name, he said: “Fiona? Like the princess!” Consider me completely won over. (I don't care that she's green - the crown is all that matters!)

In between my day of workshops was the annual Awards Luncheon with speaker Robyn Carr. Another inspiring and entertaining speech! 

Robyn Carr at the Awards Luncheon

I had just enough time to nip back to my room and get ready to go out to dinner before the Harlequin party. Donna and I joined Jennie Lucas, Lynn Raye Harris and Jenette Kenney for dinner at the Hyatt to toast Donna’s status as a “RITA princess”. The champagne was our unofficial sixth guest, as it got a chair of its own at the table. Here we all are, looking pretty and serene before a night of partying.

Jennie, me, Donna, Janette and Lynn

And for the RNA bods: Jennie and Lynn's shoes!

What can I say about the Harelquin party at RWA? It's simply the best night out ever. Let'a just say that everybody dances like there's no one looking. All night. Since a picture says a thousand words, I'm just going to post some of mine:

Hyatt ballroom at start of the party
The cupcake dessert table - DIY decorations
Jennie Lucas caught in the act with her cupcake!

Dance your hearts out, girls!
Donna Alward, me and my lovely editor Lucy Gilmour
"We're lost in music..."


Donna Alward said...

OMG, why is there ALWAYS a pic of me belting out the tunes while I'm dancing??????

I had forgotten about the champagne having its own chair! That was such a great time, and it was such a treat to be a "Presents girl" for an evening!

I have to post my pics of that day too, Fi...what can I say, I'm on vacation and flitting about rather than lurking about online as much as usual!

Nina Harrington said...

Hi Fiona
I am so envious that you heard Michael Hague in person - I bought the recordings of his story structure lectures from previous RWA sessions and have played them many times - and bought his book - and found them to be excellent.
Looks like I missed a great party - but there is always another year LOL

Fiona Harper said...

Donna, there's a very simple answer to why there's *always* a pic of you belting out the tunes...

And I accidentally sat in on the same lecture the following day, not realising Michael was repeating it! Glad to find another fan in you, Nina!