I've ordered the conference audio sessions after each time I've been to an RWA conference, and I download them all onto my iPod and listen to them when I'm walking or in the gym or driving the car. And I try and listen to them in order, even sessions that don't necessarily grab me by the title. I've had some of the best writing tips ever from workshops I've listened to that I would never have picked from their desciption!
Anyway, I thought I would blog about the sessions that I found especially interesting or helpful. Individual sessions can be downloaded from the conference recording website for a moderate fee. (Well worth it, in my mind! After I'd finished listening to the CDs from Dallas in 2007 I soaked up so much knowledge, and I'm sure it made me better writer.)
Before I start reviewing other people's sessions, I have to plug the workshop I did with Harlequin/Mills & Boon Editor Bryony Green and fellow author Donna Alward. We talked about How To Write Sizzle Without Sex and Emotion Without Tragedy. The link, should you be interesting in listening (for the princely sum of $8), is here.
I want to order these - I'm thinking of making them a Christmas present to myself!
A tax deductable Christmas pressie, remember!
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