Wednesday 16 July 2008

Tuesday Stats

Word count goal: 33,200
Words written: 4,706
Actual word count: 32,022
Chicken curries left to bubble on the hob, totally forgotten about: 1

The extra three hundred words didn't make it onto the page because I went to see my eldest daughter's school play. I don't regret those 300 words, because it was fabulous. She was fabulous. She played the part of Hermia in A Midsummer Night's Dream, a version for eleven-year-olds, where she also had to sing.

Other mums kept saying to me, "I didn't know she could sing like that!" And I had to mutter back, "Neither did I!", because she really doesn't like performing in front of us and hid herself away in her bedroom to practice, so I was totally blown away. I know I'm totally being the proud mum, but I think I'm entitled!


Nell Dixon said...

Aw! It's good to be Mum sometimes! Hugs, keep going on the writing - you're almost there!!!

Unknown said...

Proud mum moments are meant to be treasured!!!